
white powder Learn more about white powder

  • Can the white powder on the succulent leaves with powder be regenerated?

    Can the white powder on the succulent leaves with powder be regenerated?

    The curator's succulent family has such a beautiful group of fleshy meat. But this group of meat is relatively delicate, the white powder on the leaves is easy to touch off! In order to solve the problem of whether white powder can be recycled or not.

  • Growing flowers at home gives birth to this worldwide pest that is too difficult to treat. It teaches you how to eradicate white lice powder easily.

    Growing flowers at home gives birth to this worldwide pest that is too difficult to treat. It teaches you how to eradicate white lice powder easily.

    When families grow flowers, what they fear most is insects, especially some small flying insects, which are so annoying when they move their leaves, so what kind of insects are these small white flying insects? How should it be treated? The most common white fly is the white louse.

  • How on earth should the succulent plants with white powder be maintained?

    How on earth should the succulent plants with white powder be maintained?

    Meat lovers who like succulent plants are sure to encounter many succulent snow lilies with white powder in their lives, such as Mexican giants, fairy cups, 8,000 generations, flower moon night, blue stone lotus, bluebird and so on. These succulent plants are not very...

  • Main diseases of Welsh onion

    Main diseases of Welsh onion

    After entering the prosperous period of green onion growth, the harm of diseases and insect pests also entered the high incidence period. The main diseases and insect pests are purple spot, downy mildew, soft rot, onion maggots, onion thrips, onion leafminer, beet armyworm. 1. Purple spot disease: spraying 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 500-600 times, 58% metalaxyl manganese.

  • How to treat the disease of white melon?

    How to treat the disease of white melon?

    White melon is our common melon, also known as cantaloupe, is an annual trailing herb of Cucurbitaceae. It is widely cultivated in various parts of China because of its long history and wide variety. So, how to treat the disease of white melon? 1. How to treat the disease of muskmelon 1. Frost

    2020-11-08 White melon white melon disease how cure white melon
  • How on earth should those succulent plants with their own white powder be maintained?

    How on earth should those succulent plants with their own white powder be maintained?

    Powdery succulent plants like snow lotus, Mexican giant, fairy cup, etc. Their powder adhesion is relatively weak, and it is possible to knock it off when it is windy or watered. Pink thin succulent like eight thousand generations, Flower Moon Night and so on. They.

  • Growing flowers at home gives birth to this worldwide pest that is too difficult to cure. It teaches you how to eradicate it easily.

    Growing flowers at home gives birth to this worldwide pest that is too difficult to cure. It teaches you how to eradicate it easily.

    When families grow flowers, what they fear most is insects, especially some small flying insects, which are so annoying when they move their leaves, so what kind of insects are these small white flying insects? How should it be treated? The most common white fly is the white louse.

  • Processing method of Lily Powder

    Processing method of Lily Powder

    ① processing appliances first prepare baskets, dustpans, knife shovels, pots, stone mills, filter racks, filter cloth, pottery vats, buckets, water spoons, white cloth, sun pads and so on. And wash clean, no sediment and dust. Whether the flour is white or not and the flour yield is high or low, the key lies in the water, and the spring water and well water with clear and pure water quality should be selected. And processed on a continuous sunny day. The ② processing process can be divided into five stages: Lily ball peeling, stripping and packing according to outer film, inner film, yellow film and white film. The white film (center film) produces white powder, and the yellow film (outer film) produces yellow powder. Wash sediment

  • How to control white moth wax cicada and wax powder scale in longan orchard?

    How to control white moth wax cicada and wax powder scale in longan orchard?

    How to control white moth wax cicada and wax powder scale in longan orchard? Please introduce the method: White moth wax cicada and wax powder scale both belong to Homoptera, the former is Cicadellidae, the latter is Coccidae, which mainly harms fruit trees such as citrus, longan, litchi and mango. In the past, the population of this pest was often naturally controlled by a large number of natural enemies.

  • The powder on the leaves of succulent plants is of great use. Can it be regenerated if it falls?

    The powder on the leaves of succulent plants is of great use. Can it be regenerated if it falls?

    The powder on the leaves of succulent plants is very good-looking, and has a certain effect on the growth of succulent plants. The white powder of succulent plants is a protective layer, which can reduce the light intensity, but the powder on succulent leaves needs to be paid attention to.

  • How to identify adulteration of feed materials?

    How to identify adulteration of feed materials?

    How to identify adulteration of feed materials?

  • What is the difference between pink palm and red palm and white palm? what about the rotten roots?

    What is the difference between pink palm and red palm and white palm? what about the rotten roots?

    Pink palm is very suitable for family cultivation, with evergreen leaves and beautiful flowers. What is the difference between pink palm and red palm and white palm? What about rotten roots: what is the difference between pink palm and red palm and white palm: the difference of shape, the shape of pink palm: leaves drawn from the root stem, long stalked, solitary, oblong heart-shaped or oval, dark fresh green

  • Control of white moth wax cicada and wax scale in longan orchard

    Control of white moth wax cicada and wax scale in longan orchard

    White moth wax cicada and wax powder scale belong to Homoptera, the former belongs to Cicadellidae, the latter belongs to powder scale family, which mainly harms fruit trees such as citrus, longan, litchi and mango. In the past, the population of this pest was often controlled by a large number of natural enemies and rarely reached the level of economic loss. In recent years, due to the extensive management of some longan gardens in our district,.

  • How to do orchid white silk disease? Symptoms and Control methods of White Silk Disease of Orchid

    How to do orchid white silk disease? Symptoms and Control methods of White Silk Disease of Orchid

    White silk disease of orchid is one of the main diseases of orchid, also known as white silk disease, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, etc., which is second only to anthrax. Once it occurs, the damage and loss will far exceed anthrax. The infection usually begins from April to May, and the disease occurs rapidly during the peak period from June to August, resulting in the rot and death of the injured orchid plants.

  • Identification and control of rose powdery mildew

    Identification and control of rose powdery mildew

    Symptoms: germs infect leaves, floral organs, tender shoots of rose, etc. In early spring, the leaves of the diseased buds are covered with white powder on both sides. The leaves shrunk and became thicker, and then gradually dried up and died, which became the source of primary infection. During the growing season, the leaves were infected, first appeared small white powder spots, then gradually expanded into round or irregular shaped white powder spots, and in severe cases, the white powder spots were connected to each other. When the young shoots and petioles fell ill, the disease spots increased slightly and the internodes shortened. The buds are covered with powdery layer, withered and withered. A lightly diseased bud

  • A simple method for identification of adulteration of several feed materials

    A simple method for identification of adulteration of several feed materials

    A simple method for identification of adulteration of several feed materials

  • Podocarpus white insects are aphids? Introduction to Aphid Harm Symptoms

    Podocarpus white insects are aphids? Introduction to Aphid Harm Symptoms

    Podocarpus white insects are aphids? Aphids harm the introduction of symptoms, let's take a look at it. Morphology: nymph: the body of the newly hatched nymph is flat, the wax powder on the body surface is thinner, and the color seems to be red. The wax powder of the old nymph is thicker, making the body color whiter. most

    2019-01-20 Lohan pine white insect yes aphid is harm symptom of
  • Processing technology of lily powder

    Processing technology of lily powder

    The processing of fresh lily into lily powder can not only greatly prolong the storage life, but also be convenient to eat. The processing technology is as follows: 1 the fresh lily head is ground to remove all kinds of impurities, wash clean, put into the beater, add the right amount of water, and grind into lily thick pulp. 2 filter the lily thick pulp into a cloth bag, stir and rinse in the clear water in the tank, and filter it with a basket or filter cloth of 55mur57 mesh until all the pulp is filtered out, there is no white juice in the residue, and the filtrate is clear water. 3 rinse the filtered lily slurry and rinse it twice with clean water in the tank. every time

  • The effect of the plant rooting powder in the kitchen is almost impossible to say.

    The effect of the plant rooting powder in the kitchen is almost impossible to say.

    For flower lovers who like to grow flowers, rooting powder is no stranger. It can even be said that in the whole process of flower cultivation, rooting powder can be regarded as an indispensable regular item. Rooting powder can not only be used in plants.

  • Common pesticides in grape cultivation

    Common pesticides in grape cultivation

    Common pesticides in grape cultivation
